The International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP)
Related Resources
ISCWP Conference in Hangzhou, 2018
Beijing Roundtable, 2016
Board of Directors
Advisory Board
ISCWP's 2010 "Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy"
(August 6, 2010; Beijing, China)
The 4th ISCWP International “Constructive Engagement” Conference:
Virtue Ethics and Confucianism
(May 14-16, 2010; Beijing, China)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2010 Meeting
(April 8 - 12, 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA)
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the APA Eastern Division 2009 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2009, New York City, NY, USA)
ISCWP's "Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy" -– 2009 Workshop
(June 26, 2009; Beijing, China)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2009 Meeting
(April 8 - 12, 2009, Westin Bayshore, Vancouver)
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the APA Eastern Division 2008 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2008, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
ISCWP Roundtable Panel at the 22nd World Congress of Philosophy
(July 30 – August 5, 2008; Seoul, Korea)
The 3rd ISCWP International “Constructive Engagement” Conference:
The Methodology of Comparative Philosophy
(June 7-8, 2008; Beijing, China)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2008 Meeting
(March 18-21, 2008; Pasadena, CA, USA)
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the APA Eastern Division 2007 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2007, Baltimore, MD, USA)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2007 Meeting
(April 3-8, 2007; San Francisco, USA)
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the APA Eastern Division 2006 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2006, Washington, DC, USA)
ISCWP's "Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy"--2006 Workshop
(June 20-21, 2006; Beijing, China)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2006 Meeting
(March 22-27, 2005; Portland, Oregon, USA)
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the APA Eastern Division 2005 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2005; New York City, USA)
ISCWP's "Beijing Roundtable on Contemporary Philosophy"--2005 Workshop
(June 23, 2005; Beijing, China)
The 2nd ISCWP International Conference "Searle's Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement"
(June 14-15, 2005; Hong Kong, China)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2005 Meeting
(March 22-27, 2005; San Francisco, USA)
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the APA Eastern Division 2004 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2004; Boston, USA)
Tentative Schedule for a joint panel at the 8th International Association for Semiotic Studies
(July 7-12, 2004, Lyon, France)
The 1st ISCWP International Conference "Davidson's Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement"
(June 8-9, 2004; Beijing, China)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2004 Meeting
(March 24-29, 2004; Pasadena- Los Angeles, USA)
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the APA Eastern Division 2003 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2003; Washington, D. C.
ISCWP Panel Sessions at the 21st World Congress of Philosophy
(August 10-17, 2003; Istanbul, Turkey)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Pacific Division 2003 Meeting
(March 26-30, 2003; San Francisco, USA)
ISCWP Panel Session at the APA Eastern Division 2002 Meeting
(December 27-30, 2002; Philadelphia, USA)