Established in 2002, ISCWP is a non-profit, independent philosophical society in the international academic arena. The Society aims at:
Promoting comparative studies of Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy
Facilitating academic contacts and exchanges of ideas and information among interested philosophers in various regions
Providing channels to bring together Chinese and Western philosophers for learning from each other and joint endeavors to contribute to a common philosophical enterprise
With the preceding general purposes, the Society emphasizes (but is not limited to) the constructive engagement between Chinese philosophy and Western mainstream philosophy (this includes the analytic tradition as well as the continental tradition in the West, in their broad senses). The Society stresses that such comparative studies be sensitive to contemporary developments in philosophy, with an aim toward their mutual advancement. The Society thus strives to contribute to philosophy as a common human wealth as well as to respective studies of Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy. The Society also emphasizes building channels and outlets for academic exchange and communication.